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LoginFamily is a central pillar of Saudi Arabian society. Traditionally, the entire extended family lived together as a tribe or clan. This is still the case among some Saudi families living in rural areas, such as Bedouins see Tribal Identity in Core Concepts. However, the nuclear family structure has become more common due to rapid urbanisation over the last few decades. Men hold the most authority and are responsible for the primary income, security and safety of the family. They are expected to work outside the home, earn money and provide for their family. Women have traditionally taken responsibility for the domestic space as the nurturers and bedrocks of the family. They are expected to look after their husband and children, prepare food and provide love and warm-heartedness for the family. Today, it is common for men and women to share financial control of the household. Brothers and sisters may share some domestic duties, such as cleaning.
Hello, With cultural barriers and different dating norms, finding love as an expat abroad can be exciting and challenging at the same time. Is it easy to meet other fellow single people in Saudi Arabia? How do you go about meeting people through friends, online dating, apps, meetup groups? How safe is it to date in Saudi Arabia? How do you deal with cultural differences when dating? What are certain dating etiquettes and rules when dating in Saudi Arabia? How do you deal with getting into a serious relationship if you know you might be leaving Saudi Arabia?
If there was one adjective that could describe dating in Saudi Arabia, it would be the word 'discreet'. Dating in Saudi Arabia is not really something people talk about.
The last time I visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was in the scorching summer of ; it was merely a stopping point between assignments in war-ravaged Yemen. Back then, it was a laborious back-and-forth-to-the-consulate to obtain a visa. The state-owned airline separated ladies and gents, and we all embarked on a joint prayer from the Quran pre-flight.