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LoginJealousy and intimate partner violence in students of the University of Cuenca, Ecuador. This research work evaluates violence in couples of university students and focuses on their relationship with jealousy and other variables. Using a cross-sectional design, students from the University of Cuenca, Ecuador, were surveyed. Instruments used were Conflict in Adolescents Dating Relationships Inventory , Multidimensional Jealousy Scale, and other ad hoc methods related to fidelity, substance use, and stress during dating relationship. Violence scores observed were low in general though disturbing in 5. Noticeably, Violence subtypes measured showed similar distribution between men and women. Correlation between total violence committed and suffered was.
Well, shit. The most promising year of Padres baseball since George Bush was President appears to be just another disappointing season in a long streak of disappointing seasons. We should have known better.