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LoginYou know what coffee they drink and how they feel about pineapple on pizza. Before you make any big decisions, take some time to work out how you feel — and do some research to help answer your questions. Show them the same respect in how you respond. Science and medicine have come a long way in the treatment of HIV. What this means is that HIV can now be managed long-term, much like diabetes. As long as they continue to take their treatment usually one or two pills daily , your potential partner can live a long and healthy life, just like anyone else.
Here are some questions you may have if your partner has HIV, and answers from leading experts on the virus. It involves your partner taking drugs daily. Each of these methods is highly effective on its own, but there may be situations where it makes sense to combine methods for even more protection or peace of mind. There is little to no risk of transmitting HIV through oral sex, including oral-anal contact, although theoretically it could be spread if semen comes in contact with an open mouth sore or bleeding gums.
Romantic and sexual relationships between people with different or the same HIV status used to be considered off-limits because of the myths surrounding HIV-positive people. However, times are changing! There is an ongoing fight against stigmas and stereotypes , allowing people to live happier and healthier lives.
A situation that would have once been actively discouraged is now completely safe for the both of us where we have access to all the resources we could possibly need. The story of how my partner became infected or how we found out is irrelevant — the most important part of this that I need everyone to know is the aftermath and how it has enabled us to be a regular, dull couple like everyone else. Immediately after the diagnoses, my boyfriend was given pills for the HIV, as well as antibiotics to prop up his immune system that had inevitably been weakened by being untreated for so long. He takes his anti-retroviral medication ARVs every day at the same time and has done for a while now so his CD4 count is slowly rising. They are the white blood cells that fight infection and these are the cells that the HIV virus kills.
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