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LoginA man, who is thinking of going bald, generally takes into account some major factors before making his decision: "Do women like bald men? We have written this article based on the answers of hundreds of women surveyed to make it easier for you to decide whether to go for it or not! Moreover, nowadays, the younger generation starts to fight hair loss at an earlier age, compared to a few centuries back. The reasons for hair loss are very individual and we have mentioned some of them below:. If so, you may probably understand a man who is losing his hair and is to shave his head. When men notice their receding hairline, they often become very self-conscious. This is because they think they are losing attractiveness and are beginning to show signs of ageing.
New Members: Register Email address. Bald Dating The dating site for anyone with a bald head or thinning hair and partners who prefer it that way. Date with confidence Being bald can be very hard for some people and they loose their self confidence. Our bald members are bald men, bald women and bald transgender folk. I was shocked! There is no need to be ashamed. People are attracted to kind, considerate, funny and confident partners.
Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. This usually comes down to two things: Their height and how much hair they have on their head. And I genuinely feel for them. As someone who is five-foot-three, I can quite happily go out with any guy and they will still be taller than me. Heck, even Kevin Hart comes in an extra inch taller then me.
In reality, the majority of us judge potential dating partners at least somewhat by their appearances. We like our partners to be attractive to us both inside and out. What about you? Does a bald or balding man decrease his attractiveness at all? Can bald be sexy?
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